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«Christina has lots of videos/pictures of her with different men sucking and fucking. Her favorite is being with 2 men or more. The most is her with 3 men ,her boyfriend video taping her sucking each guy off till cum shooting on her face and mouth. Close ups of all 3 guys cock in her bald pussy. Then after the 3 guys finished with her, her boyfriend fucks her then has her sucking him off with him shooting cum in her mouth and she licks it off his cock and eats it»
«Christina has lots of videos/pictures of her with different men sucking and fucking. Her favorite is being with 2 men or more. The most is her with 3 men ,her boyfriend video taping her sucking each guy off till cum shooting on her face and mouth. Close ups of all 3 guys cock in her bald pussy. Then after the 3 guys finished with her, her boyfriend fucks her then has her sucking him off with him shooting cum in her mouth and she licks it off his cock and eats it»